Learning to walk in a Good Way

03/07/2023 12:00 PM - 01:00 PM ET


Presenters: Jessica Vandenberghe, Industrial Chair - Indigenous Engineering (Indegenous - Canada) - Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Alberta


Overview: Canada has a lot of freedoms and is founded on democracy - it is important though to look back through Canada's history and its present through diverse lenses though. When we look at Canada, we need to see the Truth - the oppressive actions towards First Nations and Metis Peoples and Inuit, gender discrimination and inequity towards females, and systematic privilege that leaves out other equity deserving groups like BIPOC, LGBTQ2S+, and newcomers. Growing up in Canada, it took awhile to see the many layers of systems that support certain prejudices and sterotypes and as the world advocates for movements such as UNDRIP and women's suffrage, change is coming at the hands of those of us with lived experience. This webinar will share Jessica's lived experience, how she has learned to navigate the cis-gender, white, male dominated engineering profession and be a cycle breaker, dream weaver, and change maker. Jessica Vandenberghe, P.Eng., M.Sc. is born of the Dene Tha First Nation, is a sixties scoop survivor and raised in an inclusive German farming family in northern Alberta. Her exceptional career is based on two engineering degrees from the University of Alberta. She has worked in the oil sands, mining, regulatory, infrastructure, consulting industries and academia. She is a mother of two and at the intersection of two equity deserving groups in the Engineering Profession, which drives her passion for equity, diversity and inclusion and comes with Indigenous Communities. She believes in healing, ethical behaviour and will bring that to the Department as we work towards integrating Indigenous Ways, decolonization, and building the necessary programs to support First Nations, Metis, and Inuit students, staff and faculty to ensure our success.  


Cost: Free for both CMBES members and non-members, although you will need to create a free CMBES account if you don't already have one to register.


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